When you become a Freemason, you begin your journey toward being a better man. You will build rich, meaningful relationships with your Brothers, commit to the service of those around you, and strive for a deeper, more honest connection with yourself and others. It's a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Make a difference. Find your truth.
Masonic Journey
The experience of becoming a member of a Masonic lodge is divided into three ceremonial stages known as “degrees.” These three degrees are loosely based upon the journeyman system, which was used to educate Medieval craftsmen. At each educational stage, a craftsman was required to achieve proficiency before moving to the next stage. Symbolically, the degrees represent the three stages of human development: youth, manhood, and age.
The term "lodge" itself comes from the structures which the stonemasons built against the sides of the cathedrals during construction. In winter, when building had to stop, they lived in these lodges and worked at carving stone.
But a Masonic lodge is more than a building; it is a living, breathing organization made up of and sustained by the members themselves. It is a tight-knit group of men who make solemn vows to one another and become comrades in Masonry and life
Above all, a Masonic lodge represents open arms, a helping hand, and brotherly love to every Mason, anywhere, at any time.
No two Masonic lodges are the same. All have unique personalities driven by their members. Beyond the monthly meetings, a Masonic lodge is a place for dinners, special events, and just hanging out.
From the outside, a Masonic lodge can look rather mundane. But inside the lodge room itself, Freemasonry comes to life, often with age-old artifacts, art, and the pageantry of our sacred ritual. More than anything, when Masons gather in the lodge, it’s a reaffirmation of our Masonic values of brotherly love, relief, and truth.
A unique aspect of lodge life is the coming together of generations and differing backgrounds. To become a Mason, one only needs to be a man of good character and to believe in a God, whatever form that may take for each individual. What binds Freemasons together is our obligation to each other to become the best possible versions of ourselves.
With this bond as common ground, strong, lifelong friendships form naturally between men of different generations, religions, races, economic backgrounds, or political beliefs. Ask any Mason, and he’s sure to tell you that through the lodge, he has become Brothers with men whom he may otherwise never have crossed paths with in everyday life. This is one of the fundamental constancies of life as a Freemason.
Freemasonry is rife with symbolism, and, while much has been made about the secrets and mysteries of the craft, most of its famous symbols are straightforward in meaning.
Of the many symbols of Freemasonry, the most prominent is the square and compasses. The unofficial trademark of Freemasonry, these symbols are said to have descended from the stonemasons, or operative masons, of old and represent the actual tools they used as builders.
In modern-day Freemasonry, the square represents honor, integrity, truthfulness, and the ways in which we should relate to the people around us. The compasses represent the importance of self-control and of leading a truly spiritual life. The G stands for God, who must reside at the center of our thoughts and deeds as Freemasons.
Using these symbols is an easy way to remind ourselves as men and Freemasons of the obligation we have to lead a true and virtuous life.
and Our Core Values
The values of Freemasonry are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Freemasons are taught to practice charity and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole through charitable giving and volunteer efforts. We gather together to help each other become better men and to forge a better world.
From its earliest days, Freemasonry has been concerned with the care of orphans, the sick, and the aged. This work continues today. More than 2.6 million dollars is raised each day to help people in need with large donations given to national and local charities.
Join with men of honor and integrity. Of deep caring with a devotion to helping others. Each with a vow to be the best they can be.
In a quest to make fraternity life more fun, a group of Masonic brothers created the Shriners organization in 1872. Shrine membership still requires a man to first become a Master Mason, fully committed to Masonry’s mission of brotherly love, truth and charity.
Shriners enjoy temple activities and family-friendly events, and they participate in sports and recreation groups, motor corps patrols, homebrew clubs … plus many other units focused on fun and fellowship. Every Shriner is also part owner of Shriners Hospitals for Children®, a philanthropic health system of 22 locations, outreach programs and community clinics that delivers life-changing specialty medical care to children.
Today, Shriners International boasts nearly 200 temples (local chapters) with more than 200,000 members. Though the majority of Shriners are in North America, Shriners can be found on six continents, and international development is on the rise, with Bolivia, Brazil, Germany, Panama, the Philippines all having established vibrant temples.
32º Scottish Rite Freemasonry supplements and amplifies the teachings conferred in the symbolic lodge (also known as blue lodge). The Scottish Rite allows any Master Mason to journey deeper into the ethical teachings and philosophy taught in the symbolic lodge, which consists of the first three degrees of Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. Through 29 additional degrees, Scottish Rite Masons come together for fellowship, fraternity, and the opportunity to explore the core values of Masonry. 32º Scottish Rite Freemasons put these teachings into action through an unwavering commitment to charitable works, and an equal dedication to self-improvement.
32º Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States is divided into two jurisdictions: the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, and the Southern Jurisdiction.
The York Rite, also known as the American Rite, is based on the early remnants of Craft Masonry and consists of the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Council of Royal and Select Master, and Commandery of Knights Templar. While these three bodies are governed independently, they are all considered to be a part of the York Rite.
The York Rite provides the opportunity for Master Masons to continue the journey of self-improvement through degrees based on Biblical and medieval history and charitable activities.
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