We are officially in spring! In San Diego, we have been inundated with rain and cold butwe can take it. I think we should be looking forward to better spring weather this month. Of course, we know that “April showers bring May flowers.” One can see all those flowers blooming now in and around San Diego.
There are many important events in April. For Scottish Rite Masons in San Diego, this is the month for the Extinguishing and Relighting of the Lights ceremonies. The Extinguishing of the Lights will be held on Wednesday, April 5th, which is our regular stated meeting night followed by the Relighting of the Lights on Sunday, April 9th. There will be a delicious Easter brunch following the Relighting ceremony. Please make a separate reservation for each event you plan to attend. We hope to see there.
Also, on April 26 th , Scottish Rite is sponsoring the Masonic Information Night. It is the time for our Blue Lodges to invite prospective members to come to this dinner and join us in a show-and-tell about what Freemasonry is about. Please contact your lodges and let them know about this event and how to participate. Again, reservations are a must for dinner.
The biggest event is scheduled on Sunday, April 30th . This is when the Grand Lodge of California will perform the Cornerstone Ceremony at the new building. We will have our very own Illustrious Randy Brill, 33°, Grand Master of Masons in California here to lead us in this historic event. There will be a light lunch following the ceremony so please
make your reservations by calling the office or through this website.
JoJo Quimpo, 33°
General Secretary
Scottish Rite Valley of San Diego
(619) 293-4888
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